My 19 month old son has only slept through the night 2 times since he was born. This is a little embarrassing but he wakes up still to breastfeed. I don't feed him ...
well...I feel I need a little help. But first I need to give a little history...
My first boyfriend was my first sexual relationship outside of one night stands (...
Moms, do any of you have any advice on how to put the "va voom" back into a sex-less marriage?!?
We've been married for going on 7 years and we have a preschooler ...
Ok I would like honest answers? How often do you and your husband have sex in a week. We are currently have "Chats" about how often it should be. So I wanted to see h...
I am looking for a little advice when dealing with siblings that are close in age.
I am not planning on moving my oldest son to his big boy room yet. I think he's...
The first time after I delivered, (6 weeks later) me and my husband tried to have sex but it hurt. I talked to my obgyn and she said to just give it time. Now 6 mon...
It feels like every time my husband and I have sex, my period starts immediately. I have the Mirena and I have a close friend who has the Implanon and has the same is...
Has anyone else wanted to find out the sex of the baby but your significant other didn't? In the end, who got their way? We're not pregnant, the we know of yet, but m...
Since having my first son (18 months now) sex has been incredibly painful. I had a C-Section w/ both of my boys (youngest 6 months) so I didn't think it would affect...
Okay, this is a weird question, so dont read it if you dont want to, but i have twin girls who are 18, im a single mom, and this afternoon, i came home and went to o...