Soothing & Comforting: Toddler, First Response

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12 answers

"Disciplining" a 15 Month Old

Hi everybody. I need some help in handling my 15 month old when he is naughty. Of course I tell him "no" but sometimes he will continue to do what I have asked him to stop doing, sometimes a dozen times! I, in turn become angry, and shout at him. My two fears are: 1. that he will become one of those "out of control" children and 2. that I come off as somehow abusive. I will admit that sleep deprivation and nonstop care of my son leave me vulnerable, however, I need to get a grip. My husband works from home so he is there to whisk...

Nap & Bedtime

See all 47 articles
36 answers

Getting 2 Month Old to Sleep Through the Night

My 2-month old is still feeding every 3-4 hours at night and we are patiently waiting for him to stop the 3am feeding so that my husband and I can get more sleep! I am breast-feeding and supplementing with formula so we know that he is getting a good amount of milk at each feeding and he is gaining weight well. During the last few days, he has stopped napping during the day - only about 20 minute catnaps - so we thought that he was prepping himself to sleep through the night but that hasn't happened yet. Once he is done with his...