Soothing & Comforting: Toddler, Exersaucer

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40 answers

How to Keep a 17 Month Old Safe and Contained While I Shower

Hi Moms! I need your creative ideas on how to outsmart my 17 month old. Ever since he's been mobile I have put him in the pack & play while I shower. He LOVES being in the pack & play during this time and even giggles and claps with excitement when I roll it out of the closet each morning and set it up. My problem is that for the last few weeks, as soon as I get in the shower he pulls on the "floor" of the pack & play so that it detaches, folds it up, and then stands in the "hole" made by the soft area below the "floor". I leave the...


3 Month Old?

I have a 3 month old boy. He is a big boy. He weighs almost 20 pounds. My...

Baby Swings

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23 answers

Jumperoo or Exersaucer

I need help deciding whether to buy my son (four-months-old) an exersaucer or a jumperoo. Because he will only be in it for a short time, I only want to buy one of them, and I'm not sure which is the better buy. We have all the other items in the Fisher Price "Precious Planet" series, so I've been trying to decide between the Precious Planet Jumperoo and the Evenflo Megasaucer. EDIT**With either one, I will not begin to use until the developmentally appropriate time.


Walker V. Exersaucer

Ladies, our five month old loves to "stand" and to "pedal his feet". He...

Bouncy Seats

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40 answers

Daughter Tipping over in Bouncy Seat

Hi Moms, My almost 5 month old daughter is uable to sit up unassisted, yet she pulls herself up to sitting while in her bouncy seat and then tips over the side. I've had to retire the bouncy seat (Fisher Price Aquarium) because this is obviously dangerous. So the question is, where do I put her when I need to put her down? We have bebe pod (like a bumbo seat) but she gets tired/bored/uncomfortable in that very quickly. Any other ideas? We have a Jumperoo and Exersaucer in storage that I won't be able to get to for another couple of...


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32 answers

Exersaucer Vs. Jumperoo

Hi, my daughter is 4 months old and her doctor said she's ready for the exersaucer. The only problem is I am torn between the jumperoo and an exersaucer. My daughter seems to get bored easily and I'm afraid jumping won't be enough to entertain her. However,I love the idea of her getting some exercise. We could get both, but they take up so much floor space. Any recommendations? Thanks so much!