Soothing & Comforting: Toddler, First Response

Results 1-10 from 244 articles

"Disciplining" a 15 Month Old

H.R. asks from Boca Raton

Hi everybody. I need some help in handling my 15 month old when he is naughty. Of course I tell him "no" but sometimes he will continue to do what I have asked him...


Ideas for Strong Will 17 Month Old Boy

M.M. asks from Dallas

Hello Moms, I am looking for advice on my 17 month old son. His brother is 5 and of course they are very different so I don't have much experience on this. So my 1...


17 Month Old Waking Up

M.B. asks from Kansas City

Ugh, it's 4:00am and I am at my wit's end. My 17 month has always been a great sleeper, but the past two months we have developed some bad habits we're having troubl...


18 Month Old Gets Ear Infections with Every Cold

S.B. asks from San Francisco

My son gets an ear infection with every cold he gets. He's seen an ENT, and they recommend he get tubes if he gets another infection. My husband and I are against t...


Exzema in 12 Month Old

F.V. asks from Columbia

My twin girls are now 1 year old. One of the twins has begun to develop ezcema. Her back seems to have it the worst. WHen we take her out of the bath and put lotio...


14 Month Old Purposefully Slams Head into Floor

M.O. asks from Sacramento

My 14 month son gets very upset if we tell him "no" or move him if he is doing something inappropriate. Sometimes, he will become upset if we simply put him down (in...


Going on an Overseas Vacation with a 1 Year Old

M.G. asks from New York

My husband and I are going on a 1-week Caribbean vacation over the summer with other family members and we are wondering if we should take our 1 year old son on the t...


What Is Going on with My 18 Month Old?

M.E. asks from Dallas

Our 18 month old daughter has been shaking her head back and fourth and they say this is normal. We have even seen other children do it and the doctor says its develo...


Seeking Other Moms Experience Flying with a 23 Month Old!

C.K. asks from San Diego

I wanted to get some helpful tips from moms that have taken trips with a little one, I will be by myself and my two daughters almost 2 & 7, We have a long flight and ...


Traveling with 3 Month Old

J.S. asks from San Francisco

Hi, In a few days my 3 month old and I will be traveling to Puerto Rico to visit family. He is a fussy baby and he now likes to sleep and nap while nursing on our ...