Soothing & Comforting: Toddler, First Response

Results 41-50 from 244 articles

Ex Sabbotages Daughter's Needs to Work Out Problems

K.W. asks from Sacramento

After a very lengthy and expensive custody battle, I was awarded permission to move with my two daughters about 1.5yrs ago. They are now 15 and 6. They both were ve...


Toddler Sleeping Between My Husband and I How Can I Help Her Transition?

J.T. asks from Stationed Overseas

Durning my pregnancy my husband was downrange. He returned when our daughter was well into her 6 month mark. She was sleeping in her own bed and we had a pretty good...


6 Year Old with Night Terrors

A.B. asks from Denver

Every single night for the past 9 days now, my 6 year old son has been woken up with night terrors. He screams and cries and when my husband and I ask him whats wrong...


Need Help with My 3 Yo Son!!

H.W. asks from Des Moines

I have a very spirited 3 yo son who is driving me crazy over the past couple weeks! He recently got a big boy bed and we struggle some nights with staying in it...he...


Extended/public Breastfeeding....

C.J. asks from Lancaster

With all six of my children, I did extended breastfeeding. I let them all wean themselves, and ended up tandem nursing most of them. My 18 month old still nurses seve...


4 Yr Old Daughter Screeches and Screams

J.P. asks from San Diego

It is obvious why our 4 yr old screeches and screams so much... she's doing it for attention. she has some big competition w/ all the attn her sisters require, who ar...


Can I Be Pregnant After Testing So Many Times?

I.B. asks from Washington DC

I took like 15 pregnancy home tests since the june 20th to now and all of them turned negative "i have been using the first response tests" i had a blood test 10 days...


Baby Cries in CarSeat

K. asks from Lima

My four month old baby girl HATES being in the car seat. Since she was 2 months old she cries whenever she is in there. After about 10 or fifteen minutes she is cryin...


A Parent Called My 7 Year Old Daughter Fat at School!!

W.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Moms!! I am so emotional about this situation that I need advice on what to do. My daughter is 7 years old, 4'7" and 73 lbs. she is tall and solid, NOT fat!! ...


8 Year Old Daughter Still Wets the Bed!

R.W. asks from Hartford

My daughter is 8 years old going on 9 this year. She is a very hyper active child and my family and I as well as teachers have always thought she has ADD. Her pediatr...