Can anyone recommend a good car seat for a toddler. I'd like to keep my daughter in a 5 point harness as long as possible because it seems the safest. She will be 3...
My son is five months with an ear infection. He's been on Zithromax since Tuesday and he has just been crying and crying and sleeping for only 30 minutes at a time, h...
Hi all Mamas again. I am writing again because I am becoming increasingly concerned over my 4 1/2 year old son's agression. What I though may have just been a phase...
Looking for help with potty training. Dad is currently in Germany with that National Guard and I'm trying my best to potty train my little man before Dad gets home. I...
Hi Moms!
I have a 15 mo old who for the last month has been waking at 5 a.m.! This may not be early to some, but for a working mom who really appreciates her sleep,...
My one year old has had really bad diapers lately. It seems like once or twice a day she explodes a diaper, which I change immediately, but where ever the bm touches ...
We just found out that my 2 year old son has a milk and egg allergy. He was diagnosed with EE (Eosinophilic Esophagitis)and GERD. The EE is caused usually from a fo...
It seems to be getting worse…..we have been working on getting her to bed earlier for the past 3 or 4 weeks (after reading for my younger son sleep needs, hours nee...
My 4 1/2 month daughter has had continuous episodes of congestion and sneezing. Her ped does indicate that she has an allergy and keeps having us switch formulas. I t...
My two year old is coming along great with her potty training. At home she will ask to go potty often. She can get on the toliet all by herself and uses one of thos...