Soothing & Comforting: Preschooler, Puppets

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14 answers

3 Year Old-being Quiet and Calm Expectations

So there are kids who are 2, 3 ,4 years old who can sit in a grocery cart calmly and quietly or one's who can sit in church with a book or little toy quietly. Then there are kids who can't! Is it personality or is it not proper parenting? I envy those parents who have young kids and can bring them to events that require them to be patient and still. My 3 1/2 year old cannot! Is it that I am not teaching/parenting him at home or in public to sit calm and quiet? Or is it personality that I can't change? I am not talking about mis...


8 answers

What to Do with 2 & 3-Year-old During the Day

I am looking for some advice for what to do to keep my step-kids busy over their visit for the next 10 days. For reasons beyond our control, we have not seen them since January...we have FINALLY gotten things settled in court & are thrilled they are coming. Right now, I have my own home-based business & my two kids (8 & 10 years) live with us & I am seven months pregnant. I stayed at home with the olders kids when they were small but that was a long time ago... My step-kids usually go to daycare all day long so I am sure that they are...