Soothing & Comforting: Toddler, First Response

Results 11-20 from 244 articles

Need Help Reducing Biting and Hitting with 20 Month Old Twins

K.S. asks from Dallas

Hi, I have 20 month old boy and girl twins that have been biting and hitting each other and sometimes me since they were 9 months old. Unfortunately, the biting i...


Help with 10 Month Old

A.D. asks from Orlando

Hi everyone this is my first time writing on here, i have read before alot of questions other moms have had and even replied to a few but now i need the help! i have ...


My 2 Year Old Son Screams and Shreeks like No Other!

K.P. asks from Seattle

my 2 year old Anthony screams and shreeks like no other and i can't get him to stop!he screams about everything!! it is so loud that u can hear it down the block! Im ...


Getting 2 Month Old to Sleep Through the Night

A.H. asks from New York

My 2-month old is still feeding every 3-4 hours at night and we are patiently waiting for him to stop the 3am feeding so that my husband and I can get more sleep! I ...


How Often Do You Breastfeed an 8 Month Old Typically?

J.G. asks from New York

Hello, I know every child is different, but for anyof you with babies this age, or who have had babies this age, how often to they breastfeed at this age, while eat...


8 Month Old Won't Sleep Through the Night Anymore! Why?!!!

B.S. asks from Columbia

My daughter has been sleeping through the night (12 hours) since she was 9 weeks old. For the last few nights, though, she has woken up sometime between 1am and 3am. ...


My 4 Month Old Uses Me as a Pacifier and Can't Fall Asleep Without Nursing First

N.C. asks from Los Angeles

I need advice on how to deal with this. My 4 month old is successfully breastfeeding and we are not giving any formula. But since he was born, I always put him to sl...


8 Month Old Boy Becoming Out of Control, Willful and Constantly Hyper

A.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, I am a first time mother who is home, looking for advice. I adore my son but lately he is displaying out of control, whiny behavior. He is willful, and is...


Is My Son Having Nightmares?

J.H. asks from Billings

I have a 17 month old boy. He is a pretty good sleeper normally, occasionally wakes up for a hug, but will go right back to sleep (usually only wakes once a night, if...


9-Month-Old Still Waking up Every 2-3 Hrs Every Night... HELP!

A.L. asks from San Francisco

My soon-to-be nine month old son is still waking up every 2 hours during the night. He wakes up screaming and the only way to get him to stop is by giving him his bot...