Soothing & Comforting: Toddler, Ellaroo

Results 1-10 from 15 articles

3 Month Old Will Not Take Naps in Crib

M. asks from Portland

I have a 3 month old who will sleep in his crib at night but will not take a nap in his crib during the day. I have "blacked" out his room so lighting is not the iss...


4 Month Old Wants to Be Held Non-stop

L.H. asks from Denver

HELP!! I am a single mom of four and my 4 month old won't ever let me put him down, EVER!! I am in the process of moving because I was laid off while in the hospital...


Ring Sling for Breastfeeding

L.C. asks from Los Angeles

I was wondering if anyone had success using a ring sling for carrying their baby? I have 3 baby carriers already (Peanut is too squished, Ellaroo wrap......


Best Baby Carrier?

K.S. asks from Dallas

I currently have the Native Carrier sling. THis sling is great but I can already tell it won't last long as my baby will soon outgrow it. I'd say I have one more mont...


Help with Infant Carrier!

H.B. asks from Evansville

Oka, with my first child I purchased the Evenflo Snugle Comfort Vent soft carrier. I carried him around in this all the time. Never any problems. My 4 month old is...


Sling Baby Carriers

A.S. asks from Chicago

I'm wondering if any of you moms could recommend and/or give me some feedback on sling carriers you've used. We're expecting Baby #2 in the Spring, and I'm thinking a...


How Can I Teach My Baby to Play on Her Own???

N.L. asks from Phoenix

My daughter is six months old and recently started crying whenever my husband or I put her down. Is she too young to just let her cry? And if we do let her cry how ...


Best All Around Sling

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

I'm looking for advice on the best sling for a newborn on up. I used the standard Baby Bjorn with my daughter, which she loved. However, my back didn't love it. I tho...


Baby Gear Advice

K.S. asks from Chicago

Hi! I was wondering if you could give me advice on the newest baby gear. I gave most of my baby gear away 6 months ago(after my 4th child). Now surprise...I am e...


Baby Crying

E.G. asks from Chicago

Hello, I have a 6 week old baby boy and for the past few days hes been crying non stop!! I dont know whats wrong with him I feel bad. I try everything. He only wants ...