Sleep: Infant

Results 31-40 from 31,421 articles

Infant Sleep Issues- How to Transition Baby Without Waking or Crying

S.H. asks from San Francisco

My 6-month old has been taking his daytime naps in an infant swing, but will soon be outgrowing this. Recently he seemed to buck and cry when we put him in the swing...


My Infant Does Not Sleep

M.S. asks from Orlando

My baby is 5 months old and has yet to sleep through the night. She wakes up to eat every two hours still. She throws anything up that is not breast milk and she now ...


Premature Infant Who Won't Sleep

K.C. asks from San Diego

My baby is 9 weeks old and was born 7 weeks early. He is only sleeping about 9 hours a day and the longest blocks of sleep are about 1.5-2 hours long, but most are a...


Getting Infant to Sleep in Crib or Bassinette

D.S. asks from Dayton

I was wondering if any of you had any problems laying your infant down for a nap or bed. When my daughter was a week old, (she's now 2 months) I had no problem puttin...


Infant Sleep

S.B. asks from Seattle

My second son is 3 1/2 months old. He was sleeping through the night for many weeks and now all of the sudden he is up every 3 hours through the night again or at lea...


How to make my infant sleep more or sleep longer?

A.W. asks from Dallas

My 6 month old daughter will only sleep about 3 hours (from 11:00 to 2:00) and then she'll sleep until 4:00. After that we're lucky if she goes back down for another ...


Infant Sleep

H.L. asks from New York

I have a newborn three week old and she's awake every hour of the night I don't really think it's due to hunger more lonliness and wants to be held also the fact that...



C.P. asks from Wichita

i am single mom to a 8 1/2 son that will not go to sleep he will go to sleep around 1:30am can anyone tell me how i can get my son to sleep


Letting Infant Sleep on Tummy

B.D. asks from Dallas

I know that because of SIDS the AAP and other organizations/doctors recommend almost always putting your baby to sleep on their back, except in extreme cases of reflu...


Infant Sleep

M.H. asks from Los Angeles

SOrry I have to ask this question as I'm sure someone else has probably posted the same or similar questions before but I just can't seem to figure out how to navigat...