And don't get crazy!!
Easier said than done, I know, but I will tell you that I was 44 and pregnant with our daughter. (my first pregnancy!)
It was our 19 week Ultra Sound and I too did not do Amnio b/c of the chance of losing the pregnancy.
So, the dr. measured everything and all was fine.
He then noticed that my daughter's bowel was illuminated...very bright on the US and that it should have been black and hollow like her stomach and other organs.
He said that in it of itself, he didn't think it was anything since her other measurements were fine, but that he WAS CONCERNED and needed me to return in 2 weeks so he could keep a closer eye on it. (If anything else had measured wrong, he would have thought down's syndrome too)
So, he was there measuring other things and he says,"You know, sometimes we see this with Cystic Fibrosis"
MY heart hit the floor...I filled up in tears. The dr. felt terrble that he got me upset, but he didn't know that I had already tested positive as a carrier of the disease.
(My brother had it). My husband was standing there and the Dr said to me, "But you've both been tested, right?"
And I said I was, but that my husband had not gone for the testing yet. I had been telling him and telling him over and over that the Drs wanted him tested but he was always too busy and "after all, (he) didn't have that in his family". You never know...most of the family were still in Italy even though we were 3rd generation American....and we recently found out that my husband's last name is not really his last name b/c his greatgrandfather died when his grandfather was just a year old. When his grandmother remarried, the new husband adopted him and he took his name...so there was no real way of knowing the family background!
Anyway, the Dr turned to my husband and demanded that he be tested.
D., I can't tell you how upset I was. I saw my brother suffer his entire life. I saw him struggle to take every breath and I saw him die.
I knew what my baby would be in for and I just was devastated! My little girl would be sick!!
But then I suddenly got a calmness about me. My brother loved me very much and he lived his life through myself and my sister. I know that if there was anyway that he could intercede, then my daughter would not have CF.
As it turns out, my husband did get tested and he was negative. The next ultra sound, her bowel was normal and they said it was probably my huge fibroids that had bled and the baby swallowed the blood. Once she passed it all out in her waste, all was fine.
Thank God, my daughter is very healthy and happy.
PLEASE relax as best you can.
Your baby will be fine.
And even if there is something with the length of the arms, your baby will be beautiful and so loved by all of you.
God bless you and that wonderful baby you are carrying inside you. Hang in there D.!
I will pray for your baby too.
PLUS your other measurements on previous ultra sounds have been fine.
I'll bet you that it was a measurement error and your baby is just exactly the way he/she should be!!