Elementary School: Myself, The First Years

Results 121-130 from 450 articles

Teacher Conference and a Sensitive Subject. Do I Even Bring It Up?

L.U. asks from Seattle

Good Evening moms. I am still trying to figure out if I am going to discuss this with my son's teacher and I thought I would bring it to you moms and see if it's some...


Is Daycare Really as Terrible as I Think It Is?

M.. asks from Youngstown

Hi moms. I am really conflicted. I spent 2 years being a SAHM, but recently went back to work for my old job. I LOVE being back at work (staying home full time was...


PTA: To Volunteer or Not to volunteer....That Is the Question!

A.L. asks from Detroit

I currently sit on the PTO Board at my childrens school. We are an ESL school, so I don't find it too perplexing that parental involvement is down due to communicati...


Any Married Moms Out There Feel like Single Mothers?

A.C. asks from Memphis

Hi ladies, just wondering if any married women out there feel the way I do most of the time. Lately, I have been feeling like I am a single mother. I have been marr...


Have You Discovered That You Are Good at Something That You Thought You Weren't?

E.D. asks from Seattle

This is going to be a long and windy one: Growing up, my mama was told she was terrible at math and science and that she wasn't very bright, "There, there dear. ...


Almost 4 Yr Old Son Having Problems in Preschool

B.M. asks from Washington DC

Hi Moms: My son will be 4 in November. He started a full-day daycare/preschool this summer. I then switched him to one closer to home where he would be with kids h...


Montessori Schools

J.C. asks from Phoenix

I'm considering putting my 2 and a half year old son in a Montessori preschool in the fall, however it is pricey (about $4000 a year) and was wondering if anyone has ...


Advice About Schools

S.S. asks from Port St. Lucie

Hello everyone, I am hoping you will be able to help me sort out this issue. We moved in the spring to an area with mediocre schools. My oldest child is going into...


How Do I Know If I Should Send My 5 Year Old Boy to Pre- K or Kindergarten?

T.S. asks from Detroit

My son will be 5 in August and is scheduled to go to kindergarten in September. He's in preschool now doing fine except his fine motor skills need work (writing, cut...


Homework for Kindergarteners... Why?

J.F. asks from Los Angeles

What has been your experience with this? I have a 4 year old daughter who will be going to kindergarten in 2009. (edited for the moms who thought she was going now - ...