She said in her question that she wanted to narrow her choices down so that when they're looking at homes she will choose to look in those neighborhoods first. She'd pick her home based on the school she decides on.
She is not planning on picking a home then picking a school, she is wanting to pick a school then look at the housing in that schools attendance zone.
That said, I think that you might want to relax a bit. I know you will do just fine and so will she no matter what school you get her in to.
Even if you buy a home in one neighborhood there is NO guarantee that school will have room for her or let her in. My daughter moved into a home right by the elementary school, which was very good since she did't have a car. She went to enroll her son and they didn't have any room in the classrooms so she was sent to an elementary school nearly across town that had some openings. She had no way to get him there. They did some buses but she would have to get him to the school by her house a little after 7am and he's catch a bus that would take him to another school where he'd catch another bus. Same with coming home.
This was horrible so I stopped by each morning and picked him up and dropped him off. Picked him up too. It was a hard 6 months. She moved that summer and he got in the school by the new house.
We wanted both kids to go to one elementary school and our grandson needed to enroll in pre-K. The school only had 40 slots and had 58 kids for those 40 slots. Thankfully they decided to rearrange some of the higher classes and made another Pre-K class. That 5th grade teacher wasn't too happy to be teaching Pre-K all of a sudden but she did a good job from what I heard. This year she's teaching Kindergarten, next year if the same group of kids all pass she'll likely be teaching 1st grade.....until they have another huge group of kids that need a whole lot more space than another group.
So even if you buy a dream home in a neighborhood with a magnificent school you might not get her in that school at all. So you need to check with the admin office when you finalize where you want him to go and find out if there are any issues with her attending the school you like.