My opinion is don't homeschool! Education is very important, but so is social interaction. School is such an important part of learning how to function in society with other people. Just my opinion, I was not home-schooled, and I'm sure that you will get lots of other feedback regarding that. I am a product of 13 years of private education, and I definitely don't think that is always the best answer either. My class sizes were always 25 - 28 kids, my son is in 5th grade and his class size is 20 -22 in public school. I think that a child's education has more to do with the teacher and the support network at home than how many kids are in the class. When my husband and I moved from Seattle we chose Puyallup partially due to the schools. We have not been disappointed. My son started out in his neighborhood school then moved into a accelerated learning class (QUEST). Both experiences have been great for him. He made good neighborhood friends at his neighborhood school, and has made more friends and increased his knowledge in the accelerated class. I highly recommend getting the transfere if you can, but if not, I would go to your son's prospective school and sit down with his teacher and maybe the principle. Discuss your concerns and see if they can put any of them to rest. Bethel has it tough since they are such a large school district that doesn't include any cities for them to get taxes from, but I'm sure there are still good schools and good teachers. You may be in luck regarding Puyallup since I just read that due to the housing market the enrollment will drop next year. Do it soon though, because I think the deadline is either really soon, or may have already passed. Good luck!