Elementary School: Myself, The First Years

Results 91-100 from 450 articles

Really Really REALLY Regretting Getting MBA...

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, this is both to vent and to ask advice. I got my MBA last year but unexpectedly got pregnant in my last year. I had the baby a month after graduation and s...


How Long Have You Lived in Your Home?

M.D. asks from Washington DC

The states question made me think about how many homes I have lived in! From the time I was born, until the time I moved out on my own, I lived in 12 different homes....


Can't Decide Which daycare.....suggestions?

C.A. asks from Portland

I am having the hardest time deciding what to do....usually I can make a decision and it works but this is different.....looking for suggestions. Due to the econo...


Your Experience with Home Schooling

M.R. asks from Dallas

How did you decide home schooling is best for your child? What are the pros and cons? How much does it cost? Please describe a typical day's/week's plans for your c...


Trouble with Finding Home Schooling?

J.K. asks from Colorado Springs

I dont know where to begin on how to home school and my son isnt learnin much with the school so i was wonderin where do i look to find out how to get him home schooled?


What I Really Want to Know.

O.B. asks from Dallas

I know there is 2 sides to moms. The working moms and the stay at home moms. I stay home. I am very very pro stay at home but I never say much about it in front of my...


Private vs Public

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

Having read so much great advice on this site, I thought I'd post a question of my own. If money weren't an issue, would you send your child to private or public s...


Executive Moms Who Left Their Careers to Be a Stay at Home Mom???

A.L. asks from Phoenix

I am looking for advice. Are their any mommas that have left a successful/rewarding career when babies came? So much of all I worked for since college has materiali...


Overly Emotional About Starting Kindergarten?

L.S. asks from Omaha

Hi Moms. Any advice or reassurance for moms who've had children start kindergarten? I'm not nervous about her abilities or leaving her at school or anything, But desp...


No Seriously Though. How Do You Ladies with Jobs Handle This?

A.J. asks from Williamsport

Working moms! I salute you! I'm a single mom of three. I have a small income from painting and child support from my ex. As background, I have no family in our state,...