Can't Decide Which daycare.....suggestions?

Updated on September 16, 2009
C.A. asks from Terrebonne, OR
4 answers

I am having the hardest time deciding what to do....usually I can make a decision and it works but this is different.....looking for suggestions.

Due to the economy, I need to work. If it was up to us, I would be staying home full time and had that was the plan. I wanted to open my own preschool but we are adopting through DHS and the kids are considered foster kids for the first year. And you can't do daycare with foster kids living in your home.

But plans change. So, I am a substitute teacher so my schedule is easy and I really have no work issues to bring home. So I am home early and no stress from my job.

Last year our son (will be 5 this fall) was in a in-home daycare and she did a purchased preschool program with the kids. There wasn’t a lot of creativity with the program but it taught some good values and behaviors. Last year there were 4 fulltime and a few kids here and there. This year there will be 5 preschoolers full time (including him), a new infant and a few other kids here and there. The preschool room is very small but we were happy last year so this isn't an issue with the provider or his care. This is not in our school district. We plan to send him to public kindergarten and then hopefully private school after that. So I have been looking for new daycare. Here are some options ~

1. keep him there – very structured, very routine

2. new place in our school district – she has been doing this for 12 years, current and former parents of the kids love her. Huge play area – indoors and out, animals, lots of play time, not supper structured (which I am not and know he will get tons of that in school). Does more hands on activities. Less expensive that #1

3. Christian preschool and elementary – not in school district so he could go there for K or we’d have to find a new place next year. Which isn’t that big of deal to me. Less expensive than #1.

So if we did #1 or #3, he would or might have to switch next year. The other issues we have is that we are adopting and do not know what / when everything will be happening. So there are more changes coming.
I'm trying to focus on what is best for him for this year and not think of all these other things, but I have to take all this into consideration. Our son is not shy at all and easily adapts to new things.

My first instinct is the Christian school. We’d like to home school the first couple years but the likelihood of that happening isn’t high b/c of job issues with husband.

I know this is such a family by family issue but looking for some suggestions from people who aren’t as close to this and maybe has a different perspective that we do. Or might think of different issues than what we have thought of.

Thanks so much!

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answers from Seattle on

Id probally make sure that he is Ok with changing school. Then Id use the daycare in your school district, then he might make friends that will be going to same school as him.



answers from Seattle on

My strongest conviction is that the less major changes children go through ( assuming there is no trauma/drama - which clearly there is not) the better. Children crave stability like a thirsty plant craves moisture - let him have as much sameness as possible- as you clearly see--- school will provide change and so will an adoption -- ( both exciting and wonderful- but BIG time change) --- Blessings- you'll make a great decision-

J.- aka- Old Mom



answers from Seattle on

You are right that this is such a personal and hard decision but after reading your post I have the feeling that you are just not happy with #1 so I would just take that one out of the picture (you mentioned cost, lack of creativity, out of district, and more children than you would prefer). You mentioned that the Christian daycare as your first choice but is this because you want religion to be part of the curriculum or because of the morals taught? You may be able to talk to the #2 option and see if they also have the option of teaching the Christian values, morals and traditions. I personally would choose #2 because he would not have to change in another year and he will likely make friends. Also with kids so young they need to be able to run free and get rid of the extra energy they have so that they can learn better... I hope this helps! I do know that changing is really hard. I recently moved our daughter from family care (they ran a daycare) to one closer to my work and it was the hardest thing I ever did but the new daycare is able to provide more "touch time" even thought she has more kids... Good luck to your family and just trust your gut.

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