Teething: Miracle Blanket

Results 101-110 from 113 articles

What's Your Number One, Must-have Product?

S.M. asks from New York

Our baby is due the end of July. We live in just under 500sq ft, a normal one bedroom in Manhattan. The only thing we have in the apartment for the baby is the crib, ...


3 Week Old Baby Never Seems Happy

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

I have a daughter that is 3 weeks old (1st kid) and she seems to always be unhappy and crys all the time. I make sure she's fed, changed, sing to her, walk around, an...


New Mom Looking for Input on What's Normal

J.V. asks from San Diego

I am new to this site as well as new to being a mom. My son is less than 2 weeks old and I am absolutely in love but despite my being around babies my whole life, I f...



P.M. asks from Boston

I am in the process of trying to get my daughter to sleep on her own. And need some tips. I have tried putting on soft music and putting her to bed drowsy or even asl...


Ferber Method

J.O. asks from New London

My daughter will be 5 months next week...boy time does fly. My husband and I are doing some research on sleep training and we have read a bit about the Freber method...


I'm Trying to Register for My Baby Shower and I Don't Know What I Need...

R.R. asks from San Francisco

There are so many "must-have" baby things out there that I have no idea what is really helpful vs. what is not as important. If you could respond with baby products ...


Can't Get 6 Week Old to Sleep in Bassinet Anymore

A.O. asks from Seattle

I'm an accidental co-sleeper with my son Kaden. He still wakes up usually every 2 hours to breastfeed (starting to have a couple 3 or 4 hour stretches). I get so ti...


First Time Mom- Baby Shower- What to Ask For.

S.B. asks from Gainesville

Hello moms ! I am 5 months pregnant, and have no family here. I have had the same job for 4 years, and my supervisor at work is dead set on throwing me a baby shower....


What Are Things You Wish You Had or Had Not Gotten in Preparation for 1St Child

M.N. asks from Redding

DH and I are expecting our first baby in April and we are very much minimalists. We live and work on a 60 acre sustainable farm and as of right now we have a pretty s...


Crying It Out

J.G. asks from Provo

Hi. I have a little 10 week old girl who has a very hard time settling herself and going to sleep on her own. I know this is something that she will need to learn, bu...