Teething: A&D

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29 answers

Horrible Diaper Rash with Teething

Has anyone experienced terrible diaper rash when their baby was teething? My almost nine month old has a blistered bottom even though I change very often, allow her bottom to air out, and use copious amounts of desitin and butt paste. It seems to only appear when she is having teething pain.


Teething 1 Yr. Old

I'm pretty sure my daughter is getting her first year molars, she is chewing...


Is She Teething?

Good morning, I think my five month old might be teething. She is...

Bottom Teeth

See all 99 articles
90 answers

Burning Her Bottom!!!

My one year old has had really bad diapers lately. It seems like once or twice a day she explodes a diaper, which I change immediately, but where ever the bm touches on her little bottom she has horrible blisters. She has the worst case of diaper rash and I can't figure out what is causing these nasty diapers. She has been really, really cranky and not sleeping that well either (not that she ever slept that great to begin with). I just switched her to milk but have to wonder if that is the problem because I love dairy products and that didn...


See all 89 articles
27 answers

Rash Under Chin from Drooling

My 5 month old baby is drooling a lot lately from teething and putting everything in his mouth, and he now has a terrible rash on his neck under his chin. It's like a bunch of tiny red bumps- I'm assuming it's from all the drool piling up. Has anyone dealt with this? Is it something he should be getting a prescription cream for or can I deal with it at home? I was using powder for a while until it got pretty bad, and now I started using A+D ointment, but it doesn't seem to be helping. Any ideas? Thanks!


Rash from Drool?

My sweet 5 1/2 month old son has a horrible rash under his chin and upper...


Rash from Drooling

My son will be six months next week and has been teething since he was four...


Choking on Drool

My 14 week old has been drooling for about 2 weeks now, and today he has...

First Teeth

See all 69 articles
28 answers

Can Diaper Rash and Not Eating Be Related?

I have an eight month old daughter. First of all, by the standard growth chart, she's about 2 lbs underweight (as in, off the charts) and the pediatrician makes SURE I am aware of this at the end of every visit. For the past two weeks, she's had a moderate diaper rash. We've been using Desiden and A&D but neither are solving the problem. There always seems to be poop in her diaper so it is necessary to wipe her. Here's where I'm curious... For about the past week, she's stopped eating her normal portions (4oz formula, 1/4 cup rice or...


Recurring Diaper Rash

My daughter just turned 1 and has had a recurring diaper rash for the last 1...

Front Teeth

See all 24 articles
18 answers

Do Baby Vitamins (With Iron) Really Stain Their Teeth?

My 9-mo-old son has recently begun rejecting baby cereal. It's the age - he's trying out finger foods. He eats solids several times a day and is breastfed (with one formula bottle a day). I had previously been giving him Tri-Vi-Sol vitamins, because his pediatrician said breastfed infants need a Vit. D supplement. But since he stopped eating the iron-fortified infant cereal, I started giving him the Poly-Vi-Sol w/ Iron to make sure he's getting enough iron. But I just remembered having read somewhere that iron vitamin drops can stain...


Loose Front Teeth

My 3.5 year old has both front teeth loose, one more than another. The...

Gum Health

25 answers

Trying to Break Daughters Habit of Licking Her Mouth, It's So Chapped and Red

My daughter is 3 years old. She has developed this habit of licking all around her mouth. It's all red and chapped all the way around! We keep telling her to stop licking when we see her doing it. But she doesn't even relize when she is doing it. Is there something I can put on her that will protect the chapped area, maybe keep her from licking, but that isn't toxic if she licks it? Is A&D cream, petroleuim and lanolin, going to make her sick if she licks that? Maybe something that tastes bad so she will break the habit. Help! She...


81 answers

Diaper Rash Relief Help

My son (21 months old) developed the worse diaper rash I have ever seen. It looks like he slid down a concrete driveway with no diaper. It is very red and hurts to the touch. I noticed it Saturday afternoon after a very messy poopy diaper. I make my own baby wipes and only use baby bath & baby oil, I cant imagine that burning the rash, but when i wiped him down he screamed so loud and was flinging his legs all over in pain trying to get away. I was hoping someone could give me something besides the obvious creams that might help relieve...

Teething Rings & Toys

See all 19 articles
15 answers

3 Month Old Teething??

My baby will be 3 months old next Friday. This week he has been kinda drooling and slobbering and a little more fussy than usual. I "think" I feel something coming in his gums but Im not really sure. But what I am worried about is that today he has pooped about five times and his butt is really burned and hes not happy about it! He usually only poops once a day or every other day. So this is ALOT for him. He is eating OK, a little less than usual. He doesnt have a fever. I guess Im wondering could he be teething? I did hear a rumor...

Teething Tablets

See all 30 articles
29 answers

Horrible Diaper Rash with Teething

Has anyone experienced terrible diaper rash when their baby was teething? My almost nine month old has a blistered bottom even though I change very often, allow her bottom to air out, and use copious amounts of desitin and butt paste. It seems to only appear when she is having teething pain.


Teething 1 Yr. Old

I'm pretty sure my daughter is getting her first year molars, she is chewing...