Hi all. Saige my 16 month old daugher has been off her schedule this past week with a death in the family. She usually is a Great sleeper! In bed by 7 or between 7 ...
I can not sleep. I'm so tired during the day from not sleeping at night, so I nap when my son takes his afternoon nap. He only takes 1 nap a day, so its not like hes ...
I have a two year old daughter a four year old son and a three month old son. Both of my boys have no trouble sleeping but my two year old girl wont sleep through the...
I am in the process of trying to get my daughter to sleep on her own. And need some tips. I have tried putting on soft music and putting her to bed drowsy or even asl...
Need advise , How to fall asleep and stay asleep.... Its making me crazy!!! Feel like i can sleep, as soon as I try, my head starts thinking of things that may of ha...
As I sit here typing it is 4:58 am. I am tired and want to be in bed asleep but instead am WIDE awake. This has been going on for a month now. I go to bed between ...
For the last 2 wks my 6 month old (21.4 lbs) has been waking up at 4:00-4:30 am and won't go back down until we feed him. How much food am I supposed to be giving him...
Hi All,
I just want some advice on putting my ninth old to bed. Up until 2 weeks ago I could put her in the crib with her blankie and binky and she would snuggl...
Sort of just venting here but who knows maybe someone will have helpful suggestions =) Two things -- bad, constant headaches and I can't sleep. Both have been going o...
My almost 8 month old baby is exclusively breastfed. She slept through the night from 6 weeks until almost 5 months, and now she wakes up several times at night (usu...