My Dad asked if we would watch his dog (11ish) while he is out of town for the rest of the week. He told him it was fine and he dropped the dog off last night. Thes...
Once upon a time, kids went to 1 year of preschool before kindergarten, at the age of 4 or 5. At this age, kids are well beyond the "egocentric" years and are truly r...
Hi moms-
I need help!!!!
My son is 14 momths old and has not slept through the night yet. Since he was born I always nursed on demand. For two reasons: 1. he has go...
I am at my witts end my 8 year old screams and crys about everything from homework to eating. He is always unhappy, At the moment my husband is dealing with him beca...
My 2.5 year old daughter began sucking her thumb about 6 months ago. We thought it might be a brief phase that might resolve itself because other not so favorable ha...
Hello, I my little boy sleeps in his crib but he doesn't sleep through the night yet. I've let him cry but he'll go on for over an hour if I let him. This has been go...
Like I said I have a 4 year old little girl and she says she has nightmares at least 3 to 4 times a week and we have tried all kinds of things like having water in a ...
My son is 9 months old and is not sleeping through the night. He was until we went on vacation in early June and since we have been home he wakes up about 1 or 2 am ...
Any thoughts on how to cope or what to do? My daughter simply cannot wait two seconds for what she wants and gets frustrated with any sort of impediment to progress ...
My little girl is just 5 months and won't go to anyone but me. Before she was 2 months she would go to others, but at 2 months we moved to a new state. Now if I let a...