You sound like a GREAT momma to me. :)
I felt the same way with my little guy- and realize that the reason he may not seem as excited when he sees you is because he knows you are a steady constant in his life that he can rely on. :)
You'll get those reactions- especially if you end up having to go back to work.
I completely know how you feel about the separation issues. My son is 19 months and while I LOVE my alone time (when I can get it!), I always miss him terribly while I'm taking it.
I really fear that these feelings are what being a mom is about.... We grow this perfect little baby in our bellies, birth them and care for them and LOVE them with our entire being- just to watch them slowly grow up and leave.
Don't get me wrong, I know that having an independent adult is the end result we all want as parents.... but it does seem like we get the short end of the stick.
So anyway, hang in there, KNOW you are loved by this little guy and enjoy each and every day. :)