Recently my 9.5 daughter's separation anxiety has gotten worse. Some days she will cry hysterically and throw tantrums if I leave her to play while I do something lik...
My daughter has always been more of a shy, reserved, and sensitive kid and my husband and I have always respected that and tried to work with her. Lately, however, s...
My son has suddenly become incredibly attached to me and almost as much to my husband as well. We tried preschool in September, but he cried his way through the 2 ho...
Help!!! I have a loving husband who works very hard taking care our our business. So I am not a single parent but I feel like one. My 9 month old little girl has re...
Our children just started preschool and our son seems to be fine as long as he does not see his sister crying. Our daughter is miserable. She crys everyday she is t...
My son has always been more attached to me than his older sister, but he recently started screaming and clinging to me when I leave him at preschool (3 days a week) a...
My daughter is 2 1/2 years old and was being watched by her Grandmother since birth. Unfortunately, Grandma and I couldn't get along to where things were being said ...
I recently broke my son of the binky, he has a night light in his room, a special blanket and teddy bear that he sleeps with for comfort. Recently, any time that I l...
i'm about to lose my mind and hubby is heartbroken. since we left for our trip 2 weeks ago she has been out of control and attached to me constantly. i can't pee alon...
My daughter is only 1 month old and I wanted to start looking for a job but I can't bring myself to leave her with a caregiver. Even when I leave the house and she's ...