Patterns & Habits: Singulair

Results 1-10 from 21 articles

3 Year Old Sleep Habits

M.B. asks from New York

Ok, my oldest will be 3 next week and for the past few weeks she has not been sleeping thru the night AND getting up at 7-7:30am everyday! That may sound normal to mo...


Son's Asthma Medications

S.P. asks from Indianapolis

My son was treated for exercise induced asthma back in Spring '08 - and given an albuterol inhaler to take as needed. He continued to have more trouble as the summer...


Allergy Medicine for a 5 Year Old Boy

P.C. asks from Charlotte

I have heard that you should give Zyrtec at night b/c it tends to make children sleepy but what about Claritin? SHould that be given in the a.m. or at bedtime? Do y...


7 Month Old Goes from 3 Hour Afternoon Nap To, at Most, 45 Minutes?

A.H. asks from Dayton

Hi moms! My beautiful 7 month old daughter has been doing a great job sleeping. Her typical day is to wake between 8:00-8:30A, breakfast at 9, nap 11A-12P, lunch at...


Sleeping Issues

A.B. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 21 month-old boy. Lately, I have been having issues with his sleeping habits. He cries histerically before the nap time and before he goes to sleep at night....


When Zyrtec Is Not Enough...

C.J. asks from Dallas

My step son has slight asthma which almost never flares. He has allergies everyday. His mother does not keep him on a regular schedule of antihistimines as I did my ...


Trouble Sleeping

C.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Ladies, I need some advice on what do to about recent events. My daughter will be 2 in September. She has been sleeping in her own crib since around 4 mont...


My Son Seems ALWAYS Seems Tired...

J.K. asks from Evansville

I've posted here once before and was really grateful to get so many helpful replies... I’m hoping perhaps someone has had a similar experience to this, too… M...


Toddler Night Terrors

A.H. asks from Greensboro

Has anyone had a toddler who had night terrors? These are different than nightmares, the child wakes up about an hour or so into sleep and basically is inconsolable f...



B.F. asks from Toledo

I'm new to asthma. My DD is 3 and on pulmicort twice daily and altuberol as needed. She had a slight fever of 100 and dry cough on Friday and Saturday AM. What confus...