Patterns & Habits: Hydrocortisone

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21 answers

Getting Baby to Sleep

I am a single mom of a 6 1/2 month old baby and my baby started sleeping all night at 4 wks old and then all of a sudden a couple of months ago he started going backwards and waking up several times in the middle of the night and not being able to fall asleep on his own. The only way i can get him to go to sleep is by rocking him and now sometimes he fights me and his sleep, It takes me up to 2-4 hrs before i can get him to sleep. Please Help


Severe Diaper Rash

My 16 month old was sick. We went to the dr and was given a medication to...


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173 answers

Help with Eczema

My 6 month old was just diagnosed with eczema and I am trying to get his breakouts under control. The doctors are not so helpful on what is causing it (basically saying it could be anything). At this point my poor son is covered in the rash and can't sleep because his normal self soothing method is rubbing his face with a snuggly and his face is raw. Have any of you dealt with this? Do you have any tips other than hydrocortisone on how to sooth my poor baby?


2 Year Old W/ Rash

My 2 year old son has a rash in the right side under his bottom lip, i...


No More Naps?

My just turned 2 year old seems to not be interested in naps anymore. I was...

Sleep Problems

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54 answers

2Yr Old Son with Ezema

I have a 2yr old that has really bad ezema and I cant seem to get it to go away. I took him to the Dr. and he said to put Hydrocortisone cream on him. The ezema is all over his torso like sand paper I feel really bad, it is also on his bottom and it itches really bad. The Hydrocortisone just bleached his skin I am worried that he might have these bleach spots forever... Anyone who is going threw the same? Please help..


Help with Eczema

My 5 month old has a small patch of eczema on his cheek. I've used...