When someone has low blood sugar, the blood sugar drops during long hours of no food when sleeping. The body senses that the blood sugar is dropping and in an attempt to maintain blood sugar to the VITAL organ-the brain, it will signal the backup plan- pump out adrenaline from the adrenal gland between 2-3 am.. This will bring up the blood sugar- but it also causes the person to be quite awake and unable to go back to sleep!
The root cause of blood sugar deregulation is low cortisol, this is a hormone made in the adrenal gland that controls the blood sugar and many other body functions. Read this writeup on cortisol:
The best way to check for low cortisol is a SALIVA cortisol test (it takes a reading at 8am, noon, 4pm, and 9pm). However it is difficult to do with young children- to get them to spit a whole vial of spit four times a day. Typical general doctors will usually want do a simple morning one time cortisol blood test to check the cortisol levels, but this test really is only accurate if you are SOOO depleted of cortisol you are almost dead (Addisons disease). It does not work for adrenal insufficiency. In fact, it can and usually will be normal or even high at 8am (giving the doctor a false interpretation that everything is ok)only to drop below levels at noon and beyond. The reason for the high morning spike is usually the body trying to raise the blood sugar and get ready for metabolizing the morning meal-or, in the case of Addisons people, the principle is similar to "the lighbulb burns the brightest just before it burns out".
You can get 1% hydrocortisone cream from the store, the kind for skin rashes. This is a manmade cortisol replacement and people with adrenal fatigue can use it as part of their regime.They would put on a small amount at 8am, noon, 3pm. Licorice root is also helpful as it increases the time cortisol is in the body. This is also taken at 8am , noon, and 3pm. But it does raise blood pressure! People with severe adrenal fatigue use this as by that point they usuallu get LOW blood pressure so the herb helps in both respects.
I would suggest , before you use it either of these, you research them. Also try to get the child checked out with the saliva test and get under a doctor's care. You cannot be on the cream when you are taking the cortisol tests. Be aware that MOST general doctors don't have a clue about adrenal fatigue. Even endocrinologists have a hard time accepting that anyone has an issue unless they have it so severe that they are very, very ill. Even then it is unbeleivably dufficult!You can look up adrenal fatigue and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) online.
Canaryclub.org has the cortisol test withour a prescription at about 100 bucks or so. If you do not know how to interpret it, you can get signed up with the adrenal fatigue bulliten board, the mods can help.
Email me if you have any questions.
I have a 14 yr old daughter who presented with adrenal fatigue at 3 yrs old, who spent her childhood in hypoglycemic states and then in arthritic pain starting at 5, at puberty (when hormones surge) went into full swing advanced adrenal fatigue (looks like chronic fatigue syndrome), but was never diagnosed until 13. I am STILL trying to get the endocrinologist to accept that she is as sick as she is. (adrenal fatigue patients LOOK WELL but are ill inside. Doctors and friends will say "but they don't look sick". Yes- that even comes out of doctor's mouths!The endos in Boise are so overworked with SOOO many patients they will only take you if you have adrenal cancer, otherwise your appt is a year out. Hidious.
Again I suggest you get on the adrenal yahoo loop and tell the moderators about your situation (after you have had labwork done-they will ask you for them).
Be well,