Patterns & Habits: Resinol

112 answers

Severe Diaper Rash

My 16 month old was sick. We went to the dr and was given a medication to take at bedtime (once a day). It has given her a little diahrea. I have changed her as quickly as I know that she has dirtied them. It isn't constantly, but usually in the morning I will change her about 4 or 5 times in a 20 minute period. It is like the medicine has made her poop very acidic and it is eating the skin off her. She is in pain. I will put new diapers on her and she will grab at the diapers and whine. She hyperventilates just to get them changed and...

Sleep Problems

See all 14 articles
41 answers

Diaper Rash - on Going

My daughter who is 1 1/2 has had a diaper rash for approximately 3 months on and off now. It seems to come and go. She will get a little bit of a rash and we will goop her up and the rash will start to go away. Then it will suddenly reappears. At times it will be so bad that she is cracked and bleeding. It is from the front all the way to the back. Sometimes just in the back sometimes just in the front. It is just a constant rash. We can not get rid of it. Finally after going to the Dr. and many phone calls later, They have said...


New to Eczyma

My son was just "diagnosed" wth eczyma. He is 2 years old and it is driving...


Rash from Drool?

My sweet 5 1/2 month old son has a horrible rash under his chin and upper...