Nap & Bedtime: Pampers

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22 answers

For the Moms and Dads Who Use the Cry It Out Method

Hi all, My husband and I recently decided to try the cry it out method with our almost 7 month old. He has been in our bed for the first six months and we now moved him into his own room (we did the same for our older daughter). He really struggled to fall asleep on his own so we bit the bullet and started sleep training. I have a few questions, though. 1) I get letting him cry it out when he first goes down to sleep. However what about in the middle of the night? Do you still get up to nurse and/or change diapers? 2) if you don't go...

Night Light

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27 answers

Diapers - Pampers vs Generic for Boys

We are expecting our 2nd (a boy) in January. We used Pampers exclusively for our daughter and they worked great. Since she has been out of diapers, they have changed their product to include "dry max" which I've heard causes bad diaper rash. Has anyone used Pampers since the formula change and had good/bad experiences with boys? What about the Target or Sam's club brand for boys?


Pull Up's at Night

My just turned 5 year old daughter has been daytime potty trained for 2...


Wet Night Time Diaper

My boy's diaper is so wet every morning, it is soaked through his onsie & pj...

Night Waking & Crying

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21 answers

Parent's Choice Vs. Pampers

Whats the difference, other than price? I've always bought Pampers, I guess just because I felt like buying the most expensive diapers was the equivalent of giving my daughter the best, which in turn made me the best mom. But, I bought Parent's Choice this time, because I felt like being a little more practical about this. I mean, there was one diaper that was missing a "latchy thing" on the side, but for almost $10 cheaper, that's ok. I mean, I wasn't really happy with Pampers anyway. They kept busting open and making huge messes with...