Nap & Bedtime: Aquaphor

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30 answers

Sleep Advice Needed

I have a 6-month old that has never been a good sleeper. He has slept more than 4 hours only a handful of times & is currently waking up every 2-3 hours. He is breastfed but is a big boy (20 pounds) so food isn't the issue...I have stopped feeding him during the night (8pm-6am) for the last week but he is still waking up, sometimes for 2 hours or more. I just started him on solids, he is teething, has bad eczema, so i think all of these may contribute to his nightwakings. I have read Dr. Sears' Sleep Book, Elizabeth Pantley No Cry Sleep...

Night Light

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15 answers

5 Year Old and Night Terrors

I am at my wits end! My 5 year old son is waking with Night Terrors every night. It usually occurs between 1 and half to two hours after he falls asleep. It is awful. He's not really awake, but moans, cries, screams, kicks, bangs his head, hands and feet on the walls. He does not want to be touched or comforted, it makes it worse. He scratches at his skin and tears at his clothes. he says he is itching. Occasionally, I am able to lay him back down to sleep, but mostly he will rant for up to 20 minutes! I have to take him out of the room and...

Night Waking & Crying

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6 answers

Nursing All Night

Help!! My 8 month old daughter only drinks about 7 oz of breastmilk and one container of fruits/vegetables w/ some cereal in the 7 hours she's at daycare. I feed her another container of fruits/vegetables for dinner, and we usually nurse, then at night goes down around 8 wakes up at 11 to nurse and every hour after that, and we're up at 6 for the day. My nipples are constantly sore. I know they feed her about every 3 hours. What can I do to help her sleep or keep my nipples from overuse.

No Cry Sleep Solution

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34 answers

Excema and Poor Sleep Habits

Hello fellow mamas! I am going a little bit crazy with sleep deprivation. My daughter has excema and wakes up very frequently scratching herself, at least every 2 hours throught the night, if not more. She really resists sleeping at all, the only way I can get her to sleep, or back to sleep is nursing. I am committed to many of the ideals of attachment parenting, feeding on demand and co-sleeping among them. BUT, i am getting more and more tired and resentful. Because of the itching situation and because we have a small space, 1 br, i feel...


Sleep Advice Needed

I have a 6-month old that has never been a good sleeper. He has slept more...


Dealing with Eczema

I am the "momma" of a wonderful 9 almost 10 month old boy. He is having a...