My Breast Friend: Aveeno

Results 141-150 from 249 articles

Calling All Moms with Eczema Babies!

L.W. asks from Raleigh

I don't seem to be getting anywhere with my baby's doctor so I need any advice I can get. For those of you whom have had to deal with Eczema, how do you know what cau...


Mystery Rash on 3 Month Old Forehead

V.B. asks from Los Angeles

Ok Ladies here goes: My 3 month old son has a strange rash on his forehead. It just appeared last evening. He has been fussing a LOT lately and we think it is due to ...


Red & Split Lips Are Painful Looking on Toddler

N.M. asks from Cleveland

I am looking for advise for my 1-1/2 yr old son. About every month he gets these red spots on his lips and then they crack & open and are so painful looking. I am won...


Vomiting vs Spitting Up

J.D. asks from Philadelphia

Dear Mamas, Anyone have a clear definition of vomiting and spitting up? I'm trying to figure out if my four month old is vomiting. Also, my baby has had a pr...


Raw Bloody Diaper Rash

S.R. asks from Spokane

Hi, I desperately need some help! My 11 month old son has had a bloody diaper rash for 6 weeks. We've tried all the over the counter rash creams, I've put nystati...


Eczema and Food Alleries?

J.H. asks from Billings

Hi, my 7 month old son has eczema. None of my other kids have had this. He has it on the insides of his elbows and knees (where they bend), and patches on his trunk ...


Bad Diaper Rash

S.L. asks from Visalia

Hello fellow Mother's, I just have a quick question, My 9 month old daughter has had really bad diarrhea and it seemed like overnight she had a very bad diaper rash??...


Really Bad Diaper Rash

K.R. asks from Boca Raton

I recently started rice cereal with my 4 month old and it hasn't worked too well. She started getting very runny poops and now has very bad diaper rash. We stopped ...


Severe Ezema & Croupe Cough

N.W. asks from Los Angeles

Hello! My son has severe ezema, and croupe caugh he has had both since he was a few days old. He was diagnosed with the ezema at 8 days old, we have moved to a cool...


Problem W/9 Month Old Daughter's Diaper Rash

M.M. asks from Norfolk

My baby girl has a diaper rash that appears in red blister looking lesions and has been like this for about a week. I have tried regular diaper rash cream (several d...