I would also go with an infection. The lump with no discharge is more typical of a cancer diagnosis.
Hi everyone I really need some advice from you guys really bad. Its been 2 days that my nipple hurts a lot only my right one and today i saw a little water inside my nipple so i squeezed it and puss came out green puss it still hurts a lot and no more puss came out like if i were to have a pimple inside my breast right inside my nipple the puss came out the same way milk comes out your breast i am very scared and i am going to see a doctor i just want to know if any of you ladies ever had this problem and if so please explain what was it and why and did it go away? was it a bad thing. I feel very uncomfortable asking this but i know you guys are ladies like me thanks so much
I would also go with an infection. The lump with no discharge is more typical of a cancer diagnosis.
It could be a cyst or milk retained once you weaned your baby. It is a good thing to go to the doctor about it. I looked your symptoms up in DeGowin and DeGowin Bedside Diagnostic Examination. There are non-malignant tumors and malignant tumors that present as your condition did but the only way to tell them apart is by biopsy. The other possibility is mastitis or cysts.
So until you see a doctor don't panic. There are more than a dozen conditions that can cause puss or discharge in the glands of the nipple.
It's more likely a cyst, but you should see your doc anyway. I have a small cyst on my groin that won't go away but when squeezed will produce blood or puss. Some can last a while and will go away on their own, but see your doc just in case.
don't be uncomfortable, I wish I could help you, I do hope you tell us what it was so we can learn once you find out. I don't think it is cancer, it could just be some type of infection. Cancer is usually in the form of lumps...I think. are you breast feeding or were you recently pregnant? maybe it is mastitis from the pregnancy. good luck to you, dont' worry, they will figure it out. you can google to learn a bit more though before your appt. try webmd
It's more probable that it's an infection. For your own sanity, let's assume that's the case until the doctor tells you otherwise. No use worrying about something when you don't have to.
Good luck with your doctor's appointment.
Honestly, I have not. But I have a friend who had a similar situation, only what came out of her breast was BLUE. She didn't have cancer. I can't recall what it WAS, but it was completely minor and benign.
See your doctor and try not to worry too much. Probably just an infection of a gland or milk duct or something.
You won't know until you see your doctor. It probably isn't. Do try to stay calm until you speak with the doctor. Breast cancer survivor of 13 years.
The other S.
See your doctor. While it is not likely cancer, it does need to be evaluated. Re: a previous answer--lumps are NOT the only symptom of breast cancer. A discharge is a symptom also, particularly of a one type of breast cancer.
I would think an infection. I had a lump and it hurt like he'll I had it removed and it was nothing serious my ob said the more worrisome lumps are the ones that don't hurt.
Please try not to worry. Good idea to see your doctor, but it sounds like an infection.
Your Dr. will more than likely give you an order so you can have a diagnostic mammo done.
Hi R.. I'm an 8 year breast cancer survivor. Puss would make me think of an infection, as would pain, but only your doctor can make a diagnosis. However, when women are diagnosed with breast cancer, it is not typically because they had nipple pain and greenish discharge.
Good luck, I hope you'll post an update after you see the doctor!
Sounds like a milk duct infection. Ouch! Good luck!