My grandson is 14 and has asthma and ADHD problems. He has been held back twice and my daughter and son-in-law can not find the proper help for him. Their income is...
Would like to connect with those who have a child/grandchild with ADD. My grandson, age 10, is mild ADD and is on medication. He is doing extremely well academicall...
In April I will be the sole caregiver for my newborn grandchild when my daughter returns to teaching. It's been 28 years ago that I experienced infant care and I'm a...
I am caring for my grandchildren while their parents work. My 6 1/2 year old granddaughter is developmentally delayed because of an inherited metabolic disorder, and...
i have a 20 month old granddaughter from my oldest son and his girlfriend. They work different shifts so one of them is always home and only grandparents babysit. ...
My 14 month granddaughter is over the curve in her height but just can't gain any weight. She eats healthy all the time, drinks two bottles of whole milk and 8 oz. o...
These two girls cannot get along. The 12 yr old tries to parent the 6 year old. And the 6 year old has taken up the 12 yr olds attitude. The 12 yr old is the 6 yr ...
I asked a question yesterday about my granddaughters hemp necklace. I went to the school, and it has only gotten worse. I was able to get the necklace back but now th...
My daughter has always been posecceive over my granddaughter and she can be very manipulative! My granddaughter is 18 and did a bad thing by taking her 16yr old frie...
My 18 month granddaughter sweats really bad when she sleeps. I was babysitting her and layed her next me until she fell asleep, then i put her in her crib. I noticed ...