Elementary School: Myself, The First Years

Results 41-50 from 450 articles

Public School v.s Home Schooling

S.S. asks from Binghamton

My son is only 15 months so I have a little while to think this over however, I just watched a documentary on public schools, which successfully scared the you know w...


Obamas Plan for Longer School Days

R.P. asks from Boston

i just read an article that president Obama wants to even out the field of school hours that American children have with other countries. He is saying that academical...


First Day of School Is Approaching - KINDERGARTEN

L.B. asks from Lima

Hi Moms! My firstborn is ready to start kindergarten in less than a month - and I'm already FREAKING out and overwhelmed with anxiety! How in the world do moms do t...


Which School District Is Better? Lamar or Katy?

C.F. asks from Houston

We are looking to move to an area with a better school district than where we are currently living. Our choices have been narrowed down to Lamar and Katy, does anyon...


Is Pre-school 3 Really That Important?

C.P. asks from Dallas

I'm a stay at home mom with a 3 year old boy and a six month old baby girl. I always planned on sending my kids to a 2 day a week program (that's what he's in now), ...


Need Advice on How to Deal with a School District!

E.N. asks from Syracuse

My son's school is trying to force me to medicate him for ADHD. They are upset with me because I went outside their district and had an independent evaluation done. ...


School Notes for Special Needs Kiddo!

B.W. asks from Kansas City

Hi Ladies! Ok this is only the second day of school but, I'm not sure what to do. My son is in Special Education and he is non verbal. The notes we get from the te...


How to Keep My Son Safe on the School Bus?

V.D. asks from Washington DC

My 5 year old just started taking the bus to kindergarten, he really likes school, the kids, and the bus ride. But the boy who is assigned next to him, also 5 (but ...


Should I Separate My School Age Twins in the Classroom? What Do You Do?

T.F. asks from Seattle

As my twin children approach kindergarten age, I've been wondering what is the norm for placement in the classroom when they go to public school. They are currently ...


Has Anyone Taken a "Staycation" to Experience Life as a SAHM of School-aged?

L.Z. asks from Seattle

I just came up with a great idea, but I don't know if I'll be able to pull it off this year. Has anyone taken a vacation from work in order to see how it feels to be ...