Hi! First of all, it is nice to hear from the other side of the "parental sharing". I have to share my daughter with her dad, and we are not on the best of terms either. Your best bet is to just BE NICE. You may want your hubby to handle this one. You saying anything to her may just cause more hostility. Have the approach be one of "do you mind if we discuss a few things" or ask about how SHE thinks her daughter is doing at HER house, listen, wait and give some imput on what is going on at your house. Let her know this is coming from the daughter, and you need to be sure it is on the up and up. I am not saying she is lying, but kids have such a different point of view than the parents, and if us parents don't communicate with each other, than all goes down the drain. It does sound like it is time for her to have her own room, but try to be sensitive to her mother's reasons and not judge her. Even if you don't agree with them. Sometimes we all jump to conclusions with out knowing everything. You don't have to like what she does, and you don't have to agree with her decisions, but you should try to work this out for the little one's sake. Good for you for wanting to work it out! I am just rambling my thoughts, but I have been dealing with this so called "stuff" for almost 10 years, and the only way it gets easier is to put aside our own thoughts and just be as civil as you can. Even if she is not, or won't be. Be prepared with the idea that she may get insulted, angry, or whatever. You can't control that. But as long as you know right up front that may be the reaction, you and your hubby can be calm and just go from there. And remember those will be her feelings, and she has the right to feel any way she wants. You have the power to choose how you will respond. Don't feed on her anger. Empower yourself first, and go from there! Trust me, it will work. And stick to what is at hand. Don't go off on other things that make all of you upset. If she tries, just calmy repeat what you are concerned about a second time. If she loves her little girl, she will listen. Hopefully. Good luck to you!!!!!!!!!!