weight loss after having a baby

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Results 91-100 from 3,957 articles

Weight Loss and Breast Feeding

J.T. asks from Phoenix

Does breast feeding help drop the baby weight? Or keep the fat stores?



J.P. asks from Boise

I can tell that I am lonely traveling in another city because I feel like people aren't asking questions fast enough, and I have like 20! I've never had a great bo...


Weight Loss Advice - Pls. Help

M.R. asks from Los Angeles

I am trying to shed the weight I gained while pregnant with my second Son. I am eating healthy (oatmeal, protein, fruits and veggies) and trying to exersize on a regu...


Anyone Try Hcg Therapy for Weight Loss?

R.C. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, After having my baby I'm having the hardest time losing weight. I think i looked thinner when I was pregnant than I currently do. Not sure if this has any...


Please I Need a Good Weight Loss Story!

S.N. asks from Omaha

I have lost 9 pounds but I have been struggling with my weight my whole life? I feel like my goal of 50 pounds is never going to happen! I would love some weight loss...


Overweight Mom in Need of Fast Weight Loss

N.H. asks from San Diego

Hi moms i have a 14 month old baby boy and im a stay at home mom. I have been gaining weight since giving birth and im in desprit need of ANY advice on some weight l...


Weight Loss?

J.W. asks from Seattle

I had a baby 4 months ago and am trying to lose my baby weight. I don't have the extra money to join a gym or do those meal delivery things, so those are not an optio...


Weight Loss

H.S. asks from Cleveland

Hi fellow mommies! I am wondering if anyone has tried Slim in Six? I have been seeing the infomercials and am quite intrigued. Unfortunately we don't have the 60 dol...


Weight Loss

J.H. asks from San Francisco

Hi Ladies, I am single mom of two boys one 4 and one 1 1/2. Before i got pregnant i weighed 120 pounds i know weigh 180 i need some encouragement to help me get m...


Weight Loss

E.L. asks from Los Angeles

Has anyone used Advanced Acai and has had success? I just ordered a free bottle but I am really leary to use it.

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Answer Highlights

  • change your eating habits in 2 answers "... you with a food journal with suggestions on how to change your eating habits ..."
  • back to my pre pregnancy weight in 2 answers "... weight I believe through breastfeeding. I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight ..."
  • joined weight watchers in 2 answers "Hi! I joined Weight Watchers and I've lost 30lbs, it's great and the meetings provide ..."
  • your self esteem in 3 answers "I wish you much success, and pray your self-esteem recovers from the past."
  • jumping jacks in 3 answers "... with my kids--run and jump toy hurdles that we set up, stop for jumping jacks ..."