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Results 201-210 from 1,493 articles

Potty Training Setbacks in Preschool-aged Boy

D.E. asks from Boston

I have a 3 1/2 year old boy who is not yet potty trained. I also have a 2 1/2 month old little girl. We started potty training our little boy at the beginning of Ma...


Can't Get 14-Year-old to School on Time

S.M. asks from Greensboro

We struggle getting our 14 y/o daughter out the door to school every morning. Today was the worst in a long time and I'm so frustrated! She gets up in plenty of time ...


Potty Trained Toddler Pooping in Underwear

J.B. asks from New York

My son (just turned 4 yrs old) has always had issues with going to the bathroom. He has a very poor diet (no fruits or vegs), I do get fiber into him other ways. He...


Potty Training advice-Urinates in Toilet Perfectly but Poops in Pants Daily

H.C. asks from Janesville-Beloit

I have a 3 1/2 year old son that uses the toilet everytime hes pees without having accidents (for the most part) But I can not get him to poop in the toilet. He would...



S.D. asks from Atlanta

I tend to be a pretty impulsive, inconsistent person, which I know isn't a great trait in a parent. Especially when I have a severely impulsive ADHD boy to deal with...


A Poopy Problem

E.B. asks from Harrisburg

I am on my last straw. My 3 year old potty trained pretty quickly this past summer shortly after he turned 3. He's been wearing "big boy undies" since July. When we...


How Do I Get My Kids to Do Chores?

M.T. asks from Chicago

Ok, Ithis is probably a silly question but I feel like I need some direction. I have waited too long to start this and part of it is my fault. I have 3 kids ages 13 ...


7Yr Mouthy and Doesn't Listen

B.G. asks from Harrisburg

Hello Moms, We have a daughter who is 7.5 yrs old and a son that is 22m. Our daughter was a great child and we had very few problems with her before our son was bor...


8 Year Old Son Behavior Problems in School

T.C. asks from Birmingham

Hi Moms! I need some help. I have an 8 year old boy that has been really hard to manage. He has always been a really strong willed boy. He is very smart and makes all...


Do You Use Motivators ('Carrots') to Get Good Behaviors?

M.H. asks from Madison

We are working with a counselor for one of our children. One of her favorite strategies, and I think this is true with some parental self help books, is to use 'motiv...

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Answer Highlights

  • his big boy underwear in 2 answers "As much as he'd like to wear his big boy underwear, I've made it a priveledge to be ..."
  • worked like a charm in 2 answers "... four kids and a parent with five kids did this and said it worked like a charm."
  • emotion coaching in 2 answers "I have particularly loved what I've learned about "emotion coaching," and co-authors ..."
  • poops in his pants in 2 answers "Each time your child poops in his pants you have them stand in the tub with clothes ..."
  • kazdin method in 2 answers "I have just started reading a book called "The Kazdin Method For Raising the Defiant ..."