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Why Not Tell Me? (About Smoking)

H.K. asks from Gainesville

I was cleaning out my garage and found my husbands "stash" of cigars. I had no idea he started smoking again (he hasnt smoked for 8 years) I sent them in with my daug...


Would You Tell Someone?

H.G. asks from Dallas

Afternoon ladies! Got a question. Im a sahm and we moved into our house nearly a yr ago and its a ok neighborhood and there are lots of kids. BUT, the house across th...


Should I Tell Him Not to Come with Me??

S.E. asks from New York

so i have my doctors appointment tomorrow at 3 .. my fiance has come to a couple of appointments with me throughout the pregnancy.. hes been to all of the ultrasounds...


Should I Tell My Husband?

K.D. asks from Detroit

Ok, so a guy I went to high school with recently found me on facebook. He wasn't exactly a boyfriend, but we were good friends in high school and we had a short flin...


How Do I Tell My Friend?

M.W. asks from Springfield

Hello mamas, I am torn. My son has multiple food allergies and asthma. Our friends have 3 boys under the age of 7, everytime they play in their basement--which is the...


Should I Tell Her the Truth?

C.M. asks from Chicago

A few years ago I had to cut one of my cheerleaders "Sara" from the team when she hurt her ankle. I asked for a doctor's note clearing her to come back to practice an...


How to Tell My Parents Again??

A.H. asks from Cleveland

hi everyone! this weekend i took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. my daughter is 17 months old and im not sure how well im going to be able to handle this. ...


How Do I Tell My Husband........

C.R. asks from Killeen

How do I tell my husband that he needs to lose wieght without hurting his feelings or making him upset. I have tried to encourage walks and bike rides and the wii fit...


How to Tell Granparents

C.L. asks from Phoenix

So, I am pregnant with our 4th kid. This should be a good thing, right? But, telling the grandparents is something I am not looking forward to. When we told them we w...


Should I Tell Them or Not?

A.R. asks from Minneapolis

My neighbors and I are good friends. They have 3 kids, who don't listen and are never disciplined so they basically "run" their parents. Their son,Ill call T, who ju...

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