5 month old fighting sleep

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Mom over 40 with 5 Month old...should We Have Another?

L.B. asks from Sacramento

It feels like crazy talk but time is ticking fast! I just turned 42 and our son is 5 months. My husband ( 36) and are 50/50 about having another child. If we were you...


Newborn Sleep

J.A. asks from Chicago

Hi moms, I am hoping to get some advice. My daughter is 8 weeks old and is my first child. I don't have alot of experience with babies, so I am wondering...when d...


15 Month Old Who Wants to Rocked to Sleep

N.H. asks from Dayton

I was just wondering how others put their kids to bed. I usually rock my son but he is getting bigger and its not as easy so I lay him in his bed and let him put hims...


He HATES to Sleep!!

E.B. asks from Harrisburg

My son turned four in June and sleeping has been an issue for a couple years now. He absolutely hates sleeping. He's a very bright kid and has come up with many dif...


1 Month Old Won't Sleep in Crib

K.P. asks from Minneapolis

I think that I have got my newborn in bad sleeping habits already and I can't get her to sleep in her crib. She will only sleep in her swing, carseat, or on me. I h...


Fights Sleep

L.W. asks from Portland

My 12 week old son fights sleep at nap time. He used to just need some gentle rocking and he would drift off, but now he cries, kicks and thrashes whenever we try to ...


I Need Sleep

C.B. asks from Kansas City

okay i really looked up to supernanny, but she has let me down. my son was pretty sick a few weeks ago, well now he's over it and we have been battling ever since to ...


5 Month Old Shakes Head from Side to Side

C.M. asks from Los Angeles

I have a baby boy who is almost 5 mos old and has begun shaking his head from side to side... as if he is trying to say "no". I remember that he had done this maybe a...


Sleep Issues

B.B. asks from Jacksonville

My almost 3 year old has the worst temper I have seen in a child. She gets very upset when you tell her to do anything. SHe was throwing the worst temper tantrums at ...


Need Help Getting 11 Month Old to Sleep In!

C.M. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies- I have a wonderful 11-month old so who is terrific. My only problem is that he wakes up between 5:30 - 6:30 AM every morning (even on weekends). He does...

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Answer Highlights

  • shake her head from side to side in 2 answers "My now 15-month old daughter would shake her head from side to side at an early age ..."
  • used to shake his head in 3 answers "Hi C., My son did this as well. He used to shake his head so badly that he was ..."
  • children give up their naps in 2 answers "A lot of children give up their naps as early as two years of age so I would suggest ..."
  • pre natal testing in 2 answers "... the same page about what you want to do and would do regarding pre-natal testing ..."
  • kids are early risers in 2 answers "I've learned the majority of little kids are early risers so embrace it as soon as ..."