i wanted to make sure you heard that. it is VERY important that you do your best to always respond to an infant; they have needs, and they dont know anything else. they just spent 9 months inside your body, not ever having need or want for anything, this cold, disconnected, lonely world is NOT something they understand. you have to respond to your baby.
that being said, there is nothing wrong with taking a break, and nothing wrong with putting her down when you are at your wits end and feel like you might "lose it". please walk away when that happens.
other than that, this is normal for a baby this age. completely, totally and completely normal. and i will tell you that babies sleep MUCH better near their mothers. your breathing, heartbeat and etc are something that shes used to hearing, and it helps her to regulate her breathing and misc. (ie; prevents and helps avoid SIDS!) so keep her near you as often as you can.
im assuming soon would be like 2 weeks (i hope?)
whomever you have to care for your baby should understand baby needs (if they are licensed by the state they have training and should know all the needs of babies, nad will understand that babies need to be held a LOT)
if the person is not trained and licensed by the county, they will have to be told to understand that babies need to be held, no questions asked. remember that responding, holding and comforting your baby will reduce the amount of crying she will do overall, and i have plenty of life experiences to back that up. will be your lifesaver. anything by william or martha sears is awesome. their kids also are well known; robert sears and jim sears (from the show 'the doctors')
a sling might be a lifesaver for both you and the care provider; i HIGHLY recommend the moby wrap, although, any sling is better than trying to get her to sleep alone at this point.
you really have to think about it from your baby's point of view. you are used to being warm, comfortable, snuggled, fed at all times, misc. now you get cold or hot, you are lying flat in a bed, alone, without the sounds and heartbeat and breathing of mama.... its a lonely place to be. and obviously, thats upsetting, and normal, and it should be. its the way it is. you just do your best to respond to baby often and right away; she wont have the mental capacity to know anything else until MUCH later; 6 months at the earliest (but babies dont know the difference between needs and wants until around a year old).
anyway im sure you have had plenty of opposing advice. but trust me, you do NOT have to do anyhting that makes you or your baby upset. even if you are going back to work soon, you dont have to "train" her to go to sleep on her own in her bed (we train dogs not children). she will learn to sleep on her own through nurturing and trust - which means she has to learn to trust that you will respond when she needs you (or any care provider for that matter. make sure that your care person will respond to your baby!). kids who arent responded to learn that their cries dont matter, because they dont get any attention through them. crying is the only communication she knows at this point. its just the way it is. crying is normal and healthy. i cannot stress that enough. you dont have to do anything different just because you are going back to work. mother her as if you werent going back to work and you will really come into your own as a mother. listen to those instincts that you have, trust your gut, trust your baby to tell you what she needs, and trust your heart to be able to guide yuo. you have those feelings for a reason. use them, and they only grow stronger! i have had a FABULOUS time with my 3 year old son (among other kids i have had in my home due to my own child care business) he trusts me completely, which made a HUGE difference in knowing what he needed when he was 2 and couldnt quite express what he needed. you know? so you will NOT regret just being what she needs. you dont ever have to train her to do anything - sleep, be without you... you just have to be her mother, even if you go back to work, you know that you can keep being the mom you want to be just by responding to her when you are with her. you know? im kinda blabbing, but seriously, you wont regret it.
the thing about babies is they are exhausting, frustrating at times. but they do have needs, and you are a major part of that right now. it will change over time, and before you know it you will have a 3 year old who doesnt need to be held all the time. but you know what? i would rather have the 3 year old i have who lets me snuggle him and kiss him and hug him and be connected to him than to have the 3 year old of my friends who wont let their mamas do that. i know that they see how i raised my son differently, and i know that they will do things differently next time because of it. i know because they have told me. dont make choices now that you will regret later, be as connected as you can to your little girl. it will help you a TON when you are back to work. trust me trust me trust me. you dont have to make her do anything differently just because you are going to work. just be her mom, fully and totally. write to me if you have any trouble understanding me.