Teething: Toddler, Puppets

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29 answers

How to Survive a 13 Hour Plane Trip with a 17 Month Old??

My husband and I are flying from West coast US to Australia next month with our 17 month old son. His favorite word is down and he is NOT a cuddler!!! I am starting to collect a few ideas on how to get through this flight (plus the 2 3-hour flights on either side of it). My pediatricians only advice was to not do it... this is not an option!! We will be there for 3 weeks and then have the same flight pattern home. Has anyone been in the same spot? What about using benadryl or something to help him sleep? (mind you, I am NOT a fan of...

Bottom Teeth

See all 16 articles
13 answers

Toddler Fights Getting Her Teeth Brushed

My 14 month old fights brushing. She has the standard front 8 and 4 molars. I quickly get in there but don't feel like it's doing much. She sometimes chews on in for a few seconds but quickly rids of it. I use flavored baby paste--she is still not impressed. How thoroughly should I be brushing? I don't want her to learn to hate this time of the day! One dentist told be some people dont' even brush teeth until after the child has all there teeth. This seems insane!! She doesn't really never even uses a bottle (she is still on breast milk for...

First Teeth

See all 24 articles
4 answers

Chipped Tooth - 16 Month Old :(

My 3 year old knocked down the baby (she's 16 months) this morning and she bumped her mouth on our slate floor. I noticed while changing her diaper just now that she has chipped one of her front teeth. I have a call in to our dentist, but does anyone have any idea what they would do about a chipped tooth? It's pretty sharp and I worry about her bumping a lip on it in the future. I don't think it is anything but a cosmetic problem, but don't really know. Anyone with experience of a toddler chipping a tooth, I appreciate your responses...

Front Teeth

See all 34 articles
13 answers

Toddler Fights Getting Her Teeth Brushed

My 14 month old fights brushing. She has the standard front 8 and 4 molars. I quickly get in there but don't feel like it's doing much. She sometimes chews on in for a few seconds but quickly rids of it. I use flavored baby paste--she is still not impressed. How thoroughly should I be brushing? I don't want her to learn to hate this time of the day! One dentist told be some people dont' even brush teeth until after the child has all there teeth. This seems insane!! She doesn't really never even uses a bottle (she is still on breast milk for...
