Make an appointment with a Pediatric Dentist. They will prob. put the child to sleep and cap it. My grand-daughter fell down the metal steps at her moms on a visit and it wasn't bad but we decided to go ahead and get it fixed. She also had a couple of cavities and they fixed everything in less than an hour. It was so worth it. I have no issues with anesthesia. They did the work in Children's Hospital, in the out patient surgery area, it is treated like real surgery and ALL precautions are taken into consideration.
A Pediatric Dentist is a specialist in baby teeth and small children. They see children from toddlers up to how ever old they'll let them come in. I won't ever take the kids to a dentist for adults. A family dentist is okay for much older kids and adults but a Pediatric Dentist is so perfect for little ones. Ours is absolutely wonderful. My 20 mo. old grandson sat the entire time he went the first time and had his teeth cleaned and X-rays taken. They just handle kids differently. They have puppets to show what they are going to do, they have a whole drawer of flavored stuff to clean the teeth with, they have toys in the rooms, everything is so much different.
Another thing, my friend didn't want to drive to OKC to go to Dr. Lee so she took her little girl to the family dentist and he filled her front tooth, gave her shots in her mouth, drilled while she sat there crying, sent her home, it fell out a few weeks later, filled it again, it fell out again in a few months, he finally just pulled it. She had no front tooth for almost a year....I sincerely feel if she had gone to Dr. Lee and had him do it then this child would have had a white filling instead of siver and kept that tooth.
If you think about your first visit to the dentist then you can imagine what it's going to be like for your child. The needles, the shots, the sound of the drill, the grinding noise, the smell, etc...why put them through that when they could just go to sleep for about an hour and get it all done and wake up with a pretty new tooth.