Hi M.,
My son chipped one of his front teeth when he was also around two. I took him to my 6 y/o daughter's pediatric dentist, where we discussed treatments for it, I was told that they would attempt to cap it, if it was what I wanted (however - the logistics of getting a two year old to sit still for a capping is another story!). The option I chose was to file the tooth (it was chipped to a very sharp edge) and continued to see the dentist regularly to check the tooth, i.e. if the tooth changed color, turned grey, we would need to discuss other options, which would be to cap it, or just have it pulled (it is just a baby tooth remember!). The tooth never did change colors and it fell out in kindergarten and he just got out of braces (he's 9 now). Honestly, the chipped tooth turned out to be part of his personality when he was a toddler - total daredevil! My advice would be to take her to a pediatric dentist (they see this ALL the time) and go from there, you should especially take her if she is having any kind of pain (exposed nerve). Hope this helps!