Teething: Miracle Blanket

Results 11-20 from 113 articles

Advice on Sleeping Through the Night

S.M. asks from Boca Raton

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get my 5 week old to sleep longer at night? I have to go back to work soon and I am hoping to get down to just one middle ...


Advice on Co-sleeping; to or Not To?

J.C. asks from Lynchburg

My 7 mo old still isn't sleeping through the night. No matter what she eats or whether she naps during the day or not, she wakes up at least twice at night. She's usu...


Someone Has to Have an Answer

S.L. asks from St. Louis

Background to this question: 4 month old who is having a lot of trouble sleeping at night. At 2 months we tried Zantac because she was having trouble with watery st...


Sleep Advice for 4 Month Old

M.D. asks from Washington DC

Hi Professional Caregivers! I am soo tired. My four month old is finally sleeping in a porta crib, but has me up four times a night aside from feedings! What can ...


For Breastfeeding, Bed Sharing Moms - Advice on Baby Who "Snacks" All Night

J.S. asks from Sacramento

Hi moms! My baby has been a very sound night sleeper until about 2 weeks ago. Now it seems that all she wants to do is "snack" all night long. She is three months old...


Need Advice on Getting Away from Co-Sleeping/Being Able to Put Baby Down

A.N. asks from New York

I am a first time mom of a 7 week old little girl. I may be in trouble with developing bad sleeping habits with her. I had a c-section and I am breastfeeding on deman...


Advice on Breaking Baby of Dependence on Swaddling

A.D. asks from Raleigh

Hello, Helpful Moms. I have a wonderful 3-month old son who overall is a very good sleeper. My challenge is that he sleeps well only when tightly swaddled, but now ...


Advice on "No Cry Sleep Solution" - How to Put Baby to Bed Awake

S.S. asks from New York

Our baby was born 10 weeks premature. His corrected age is 2.5 months. He came home from the hospital 4 weeks before his due date, so he has been home with us for abo...


A Few Questions About My 12 Week Old

D.S. asks from Dayton

Hi ladies, I have a few questions about my 12 week old. First of all, when is the earliest a baby can start teething? Second, how do I get my daughter to nap for me d...


Itchy Ears & Head: Eczema? Allergies? Help!!!

B.H. asks from New York

My 6-month-old daughter has a case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. By day, she is a little angel. By night, she is an itching and scratching terror!!! Although her d...