Swimming: Miralax

Results 11-20 from 32 articles

HELP! My 5 Yr Old Is Still Having Accidents in His Pants...

S.C. asks from Houston

I need some help. If any mom's out there have dealt with this particular situation I am open to any advice. My son turned 5 in May. He has always had issues pooping i...


Vomiting,, Hurtburn,,& Constipation..

H.S. asks from Canton

I'm 8 months pregeant ,, I have Heartburn everyday. The constipated is more then I can handle And for some reason ....I'm having my morning sickness now!! For the he...


Need Advice on Constipation for 18 Month Old

T. asks from Omaha

My son has just turned 18 months and is on day 2 of not having a bowl movement. I've tried apple juice and got nothing. I've been trying to get him to eat more frui...


Anyone Out There Have a Constipated Child?.

A.D. asks from Boston

Ok...This is about my 4 year old daughter. She has had constipation problems almost since she was born. When she was just a few months old, I'd be on the phone or i...


Helpless in Cliffside Park

A.G. asks from New York

I'm looking for some advice for my almost 5yr old. He will not do #2 on the potty. I've tried everything. I want him to start kindergarden in September but this will...


Nervous Stomach

K.G. asks from Charlotte

My daughter will be 9 in a few weeks and is in the 4th grade. I have always taken her to school, but she is riding the bus to school this year. She has about 1 hr ...


4 Year Old Waiting to Poop in His Pull-up

M.T. asks from Chicago

HI all. This is my first question but I often respond. I am desperate. I have a four year old son who still wears pull-ups for nap/bedtime. He waits until he goes...


Potty Training 3 Year Old Son.

A.J. asks from Washington DC

My son turned 3 in March and I'm still not seeing the signs that he's ready to potty train. He wants to wear a pull-up, but to him it's really just a big-boy diaper....


Will He Go to College in Diapers?

C.K. asks from Missoula

Hi Ladies, I have a bright, verbal 39 month old son who seems a little stuck with toilet training. He uses the toilet very easily with few or no accidents for urin...


Daughter Feels Constant Urge to Pee - Doesn't Have a Bladder Infection

H.C. asks from Seattle

My 4 yr. old daughter has been experiencing a constant urge to pee. It began last Friday, I expect due to mild constipation, which I believe was brought on from cons...