I just posted this under your other inquiry, but will post it here for moms who have rashes, exzema, burns or other owies to deal with:
A recently available product, manuka honey (Medi-Honey) is incredibly healing. A little cousin of mine had terrible, scaly and discolored rashes on arms, shins and neck. Just a few days of applying the honey (gel form – neater to use than the pure honey) has her almost completely healed. I've used this myself to help heal irritated wounds, and last night a burned tongue, with very impressive results.
This honey, under various brand names, is available now in many health food stores, and through some dermatologists. Look for a "UMF" rating of 10 or higher. Derma Sciences makes the excellent Medi-Honey brand. Here's a link that describes the uses and benefits: http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/manuka-honey-medicinal...