Sleep: Toddler, Pack n Play

Results 31-40 from 1,149 articles

Another Sleep Issue- 8 Month Old.

J.J. asks from Columbus

Hi. Thanks for reading yet another sleep question! I have an 8 month old girl who wakes up every three or four hours to nurse all night. She goes down great every nig...


Another Baby Sleep Question

C.R. asks from Chicago

My son is 9 months old and just won't sleep through the night. He has gotten better in the month or so. He usually wakes up sometime around 3-4:30. The biggest issue ...


Camping with an 18 Month Old

J.S. asks from Indianapolis

Hi all, I was wondering if any of you have been camping with a 18 month old. My famly usually goes camping several times a year. We only went once last year and ...


Sleep Training My 4 Month Old Who Has to Sleep in Our Room

A.D. asks from Norfolk

My baby girl will be 4 months old next week, and I am 100% guillty for her poor sleep habits! haha...she will only nap in my maya wrap or if im laying down with her a...


Suggestions on How to Get My 4-Month Old to Sleep in Her Crib

S.L. asks from Detroit

My 4-month old will not sleep in her crib. She was 1-month premature and needed to eat every hr for the first month of her life. She sleeps well in a MOVING carseat...


Traveling/camping with a 22 Month Old

J.W. asks from Portland

Ok Mamas, I need some help because we really want to travel this spring & summer!! I want to know how you've dealt with sleeping and napping while traveling with a l...


Helping 21 Month Old Stay Asleep

J.J. asks from Pittsburgh

I have a 21 month old son and have been having some trouble with his sleeping patterns. I am completely against the Ferber method for him and have chosen not to let ...


Getting My 5 Month Old to Sleep in a Crib

S.B. asks from Philadelphia

Hi everyone, My 5 month old son does not sleep in his crib (or pack n play). If he falls asleep in our lap & we try to transfer him to one of these he instantly wa...


Can a 8 Month Old Sleep in an Toddler Airbed?

M.M. asks from Bellingham

Hi Ladies. :) I currently co sleep with my 8 month old son on a full size mattress on the floor. I would like to transition him to a bed beside me so that DH can s...


Baby Won't Sleep in Crib

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

Hello! I have a DS who is almost 4 weeks old. He sleeps well in his bassinet (in our lower level master bedroom) at night, but during the day he always wakes up withi...