Nutrition: Infant, Snugli

15 answers

Advice of Gift for Single Mom with No Car (Rides Bus)

A friend of mine has an almost 6 week old baby (Jasmine 8 pounds...was 5 weeks early). I've known her my whole life. She is a single mom with no car...rides the bus everywhere. Right now, she has almost nothing...bassinet blankets, and I think enough clothes that currently fit. The Jasmine's dad has a car/carseat and picks her up somethign like every other weekend. Anyway, my friend is pretty much confined to her house with the baby. Her shower is in a couple weeks. I don't have much left from when my son was tiny, and what I did have i...

Bottle & Breastfeeding

51 answers

How Soon Is Too Soon to Take a Newborn Out?

I am wondering what is the average in taking a newborn out around people? I believe I waited atleast 2-3 weeks, and there were no flu concerns then. My daughter is being pressured by her in-laws to bring the baby to a birthday party at their house this weekend and the baby will only be a week and a half old. With all of the flu concerns right now, she is very uncomfortable. I feel that it is just too soon...are we over reacting?

Solid Foods & Weaning

See all 17 articles
42 answers

Having to Hold Baby Constantly

I have a 9 weeks old baby who is fine when I am holding him but the second I set him down he screams out. He cries so hard until I pick him up and he is fine. I have tried to let him cry but it doesn't last long(I dont like hearing him cry that hard(. I feel bad because I have to hold him so much I dont get to do much stuff with my 2 year old. I am constantly having to tell him to wait until Ethan is asleep. And when my husband tries to help the baby screams just as hard. Please help! I have tried a snugli he doesn't seem to like it. I...


How Do I Wean?

How do I wean my 11 mos old that will not eat other foods? She'll eat foods...


Solid Food Advice

Hi, I am a mom to twin 6 month olds and we have just begun solid foods...