First of all, if you're baby is only 3 weeks old, PLEASE don't worry about scrubbing floors and let someone else do the heavy lifting at home. For now, you should really be napping as much as possible yourself when your baby is napping.
If you're just concerned about how you'll accomplish these things in the future, know that everything about your life will change over and over again as your child grows. The way life is today will be different in another three weeks, again in another three months, and yet again in another three years.
I have two children, ages four and one. We've never had a crib or a monitor, but we live in a small single-story house, so I could hear what was happening...even those little early stirring sounds babies make before they start to cry. I also, like many moms, "just knew" when my babies needed me. Trust yourself and that same instinct will develop. When I woke up from a nap with my children (okay, I really didn't get to nap nearly as much with my second!) and wanted to get out of bed, I left the baby in bed and went about my business. If you feel you won't be able to hear your baby, you might consider getting a monitor (look on for a used one if cost is a consideration).
It is hard, practicing attachment parenting with extended family far away and in the isolation many of us experience as stay-at-home parents in neighborhoods that are empty during the day. Look into finding a local community of like-minded parents. If you're in the Portland metro area, check out the following Yahoo groups:
Attachment Parenting discussion group--here you can get to know other local AP moms. They have a playgroup on Tuesdays, I believe.
Gentle Guidance was started by AP parents with older children.
I started the Eastside Playgroup...we're East Portland AP families that meet for playdates, nature walks, moms "time out" activities, and family gatherings.
For more info about babywearing, check out the Portland "nine in, nine out" discussion group.
Also, you might consider attending La Leche League meetings, where you will get terrific non-judgmental mom-to-mom support not only for breastfeeding, but also for AP generally.
Finally, check out this great article at Mothering Magazine, Finding Your Tribe: Feed Your Soul While You Feed Your Kids. Couple friends and I are doing this, going to one another's houses, helping with the kids and housework, doing projects together and basically whatever we can do better together than we can do on our own. It's a great way to draw closer to people and get things done!
(If that link doesn't work, try this: