Night Waking & Crying: Toddler, Baby Bjorn

Results 31-40 from 345 articles

4 Month Old Who Just Doesn't Want to Sleep

J.F. asks from Barnstable

Hi, I have a 4 month old son who sleeps for 45 minutes in the morning and about the same in the afternoon. He is exhausted by 7-8ish at night and I wake him at 10:30...


I Don't Care About Sleeping Through the Night... Just Go to Sleep 1St Please!

M.C. asks from Dallas

My 7 week old baby only likes to go to sleep on me. I'm so afraid that I am building a bad habit. I can put him in his crib once he is asleep. But, he has to reall...


Help Me Get My 3 Month Old to Sleep!

L.S. asks from Seattle

My 3 month old son does not nap very well during the day. Yesterday the longest nap that he took was about 30 minutes. I thought that would mean that he would sleep...


Baby Einstien Dvds...& 3 Month Old Entertainment

C.W. asks from Austin

ok, so I KNOW that the TV is not a babysitter... we really don't watch it much in my house anyway except for news and movies once in a while. I have noticed that when...


3 Month Old Won't Sleep in Crib

K.K. asks from Minneapolis

My 3 month old son will sleep one shift in his crib - for about 3 hours - but then refuses to go back into his crib after I breastfeed him. I started bringing him int...


My 6 Month Old Won't Let Me Put Him Down.

A.N. asks from Appleton

My 6 month old suddenly developed this extreme separation anxiety. I can't even lay him on a blanket on the floor next to me without him screaming to the point where...


What Can I Do for My 4 1/2 Month Old???? I'm Losing It!

K.B. asks from New York

My daughter is driving me crazy & I don't know what to do. For the month she has been super fussy~ crying & not being easy to handle. She doesn't want to go to any...


Two Month Old Twins and a 2 1/2 Year Old

M.H. asks from Buffalo

I was wondering if anyone has/had twins with an older toddler sibling. My daughter was the "princess" before her twin brothers came along and it's so hard to divide t...


3 Month Old Crying with Daddy for Hours

T.F. asks from New York

Hello I have a 3 month old little boy and a 2 1/2 year old girl. I work part time and evertime I leave the baby with my husband he cries after I leave at around the ...


3 Month Old That Won't Sit or Sleep by Himself....

J.Z. asks from San Diego

I have a 3 month old boy who won't sit or sleep by himself. I love being with him 24/7 but I am worried perhaps I may be doing something wrong. I am breastfeeding a...