I am due to give birth in 2 months with my first baby. I am planning to breast feed and would like some advice on breast pumps, which brands work best etc. Any a...
My grandson is 10 days old. He will not nurse. When he was born he was tongue tied but they clipped it. My daughter had to resort to using formula in the hospital ...
I have a friend who has to return to work after her baby is born but is determined to continue feeding her baby breast milk and wants to pump but does not know what p...
I'm going to be trying to breast feed here sometime in the next month.
Here's the deal;
if the baby does well with breast feeding, we'd like to only invest in ...
I need some advice on buying a good breast pump and also bottles that don't leak. My first pregnancy I was given an Ameda breast pump from a friend and it died after ...
When our first son was born in 2000 I purchased a Medela Pump in Style breast pump. Since then I've used it for our second son and many friends have used the pump for...
Hi all, my 5 1/2 month old son is pretty much strictly breastfed, but on occasion we have left him with my mom and a bottle of formula to go on a date or something. W...
The one thing I have to buy myself is a breast pump and I can't decide what kind to get. I have been looking at reviews on babycenter.com for different pumps. The e...
I am looking to buy a manual breast pump but I am not sure what brand to buy. Ive been reading the reviews on some and they all say they lose the suction after a few...