My Breast Friend: Aveeno

Results 101-110 from 249 articles

One Year Old with Eczema

S.E. asks from Washington DC

I have a one year old son with severe eczema, He was diagonosed at the age of 3 month. His doctor has prescribed everything from creams to benadryl for the itching. I...


4 Mo Old Baby Has Eczema - Need Tips Please

K.R. asks from Goldsboro

my baby boy just got the official news that he has eczema. its horrible see him so uncomfortable and in pain and itchy. its spreading so fast. we just got t...


Help with Baby Itch Relief -Eczema

M.T. asks from San Francisco

My 3-month old has eczema. The Dr. just told me to put an over the counter eucerin on the affected area but now he's starting to scratch and rub any suggestions for w...


Unresponsive and Unexplained Rash

L.H. asks from Austin

I've tried ALL the "typical" remedies for the rash that my 9 mo. old boy-charge (I'm his nanny) has along with his parents who have repeatedly taken him to his pediat...


Odd Ongoing Rash on 6 Month Old's Face

S.I. asks from Johnson City

Hi moms! At around 3 1/2 months old my daughter developed a small, roundish, red, rough, rash on her cheek. When I took her to her 4 month check-up I asked the ped an...


Any Remedy for Severe Baby Acne and Dry Scalp?

M.H. asks from Fayetteville

Hi moms, My son is 1 month old today and I'm loving being a mom. I need some help though (in more ways than one :). My son has really bad acne all over his face ...


Help W/ Eczema on 6 Month

N.S. asks from Los Angeles

My 6 month old has had a rash in the creases of her arms and behind her knees for nearly 5 months now. The doctor said it's eczema and to just put lotion on it, but i...


Worst Diaper Rash Ever!!!

M.B. asks from Providence

My son has had diaper rash on amd off for the last couple of weeks. He gets it whenever teeth come in and he has 2 at the moment coming down. We have been using bal...


Did Your Baby Received Antibiotic and Developed Severe Eczema & Food Allergies?

N.L. asks from Seattle

My now 13 month old son has severe eczema since 1 month old. He had a course of antibiotic at 1 month and was on antacid for 4 months. i have read several research st...


Baby Eczma

L.G. asks from Denver

Hi My 6month old has really bad eczema. Which is keeping her up during the night itching herself. Does anyone have any suggestions on what products worked for th...